People that leave their shopping basket on the floor and fuck off, then come back and say "excuse me I was in the queue"
No you weren't, your basket was on the floor. Join the back like everyone else you tosspot.
Another similar thing which I hate(and already posted about) is when you're in your car and you pull up to a petrol station, there's a car in front at the pump.
They get out and don't even use the pumps but go inside and do a fuckin weekly shop! Get out the way you cunt, it's a petrol station NOT fuckin ASDA!!
Another similar thing which I hate(and already posted about) is when you're in your car and you pull up to a petrol station, there's a car in front at the pump.
They get out and don't even use the pumps but go inside and do a fuckin weekly shop! Get out the way you cunt, it's a petrol station NOT fuckin ASDA!!