that blue surlies quite nice. I think its the burly (sorry) looking rack that helps balance it out. My mate has a 30's raliegh gents racer which has since been updated with a standard 3spd hub and he says the same thing, 1 for climbing (though some climbs around here/ sustained 1:4s etc get a bit much). 2 for general pottering and 3 for downhill and 'getting some miles done' Suits its relaxed style down to the ground.
Ta. I'm thinking of removing the decals. Nothing wrong with Surly, but they're a bit 'down with the kids' for my liking. Or is that mean on Surly?
Ta. I'm thinking of removing the decals. Nothing wrong with Surly, but they're a bit 'down with the kids' for my liking. Or is that mean on Surly?