OK, OK, this is getting silly and at the rate the forum is going through popcorn it's probably also causing all manner of ailments. Chris, reculver, let's agree to disagree like grown-ups, no offence intended. This bitching between us is also diverting the thread from the single point I made earlier and have made again over the last few pages.
That point being. Despite not doing himself any favours (posting the concept bike here was at best a bit naive) DF deserves a fighting chance now he's trying to turn things around. And if you as a member of this forum can't give him that much, it says more about you than it does about Dani Foffa.
I'm going to give it a break now before I start sounding even more like a broken record than I already do.
OK, OK, this is getting silly and at the rate the forum is going through popcorn it's probably also causing all manner of ailments. Chris, reculver, let's agree to disagree like grown-ups, no offence intended. This bitching between us is also diverting the thread from the single point I made earlier and have made again over the last few pages.
That point being. Despite not doing himself any favours (posting the concept bike here was at best a bit naive) DF deserves a fighting chance now he's trying to turn things around. And if you as a member of this forum can't give him that much, it says more about you than it does about Dani Foffa.
I'm going to give it a break now before I start sounding even more like a broken record than I already do.
That is all. Peace :)