• #13502
where did you find it said you can't in some areas? I am having a hard time finding any info at all.
• #13503
If you can't keep livestock it would say so in the deeds to the land - or there may be a local bylaw that prevents it, ask the council.
• #13504
Does anyone know of any shimano (HG) compatible 7 speed screw on freewheels?
• #13505
campy is: 1.378" x 24 tpi
shimano is: 1.375" x 24 tpiI think it will thread on but it will start to bind after a few turns....and then likely strip one or the other.
and of course: http://www.sheldonbrown.com/freewheels.html
• #13506
im planning on renting. I found an article that said someone in Manchester found a bylaw from the 50's that gave renters the right to keep chickens.
I guess calling council is the only option once I get a place.
• #13507
Where are you moving to?
• #13508
looking like greenwich for now. obviously only know once I get there and can look at a place, but looking there.
• #13509
Can I screw a shimano freewheel onto a campag hub to use with shimano shifters and mech?
Yes, did it all the time back in the day with no issues whatsoever.
• #13510
"high" gears are harder to pedal than "low" gears, right? so (on a cassette) you shift "up" to a smaller sprocket or "down" to a bigger one - or is it the other way round?
• #13511
High gear = bigger chainring/smaller sprocket
I've always thought of it like in gear inches. Makes sense when you talk about bigger/smaller gears there
Shift up to go yo a smaller sprocket yes
• #13512
what about in the context of hub gears?
• #13513
Does anyone know of any shimano (HG) compatible 7 speed screw on freewheels?
[ame="http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=7-spped+multiple+freewheel#sclient=psy&hl=en&tbm=shop&source=hp&q=Shimano+MF-TZ21&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=f6effe946dec43ae&biw=1020&bih=629"]7-spped multiple freewheel - Google Search[/ame]
• #13514
Do I need one with HG in the product code, all will they all be ok? I don't want to fuck up my indexing and I have a new HG chain here in a box.
• #13515
Anything made by Shimano in the last 20 years will be HyperGlide
• #13516
is 650b stuff as hard to find in London as it is in North America?
i.e. internet ordering only.mostly tires...bringing about a dozen tubes with me.
• #13517
Anything made by Shimano in the last 20 years will be HyperGlide
Thanks! Invaluble help.
• #13518
anyone know a fridge dude?
i think my fridge is fucked. it's still on, but the light's out and it's freezing the food at the bottom, even on the lowest setting.
• #13519
What's the aero comparison between standard 32h wheel w/ shallow rim vs. 404 vs. 808?
How much do I gain with each? Thanks
• #13520
Go on analytical cycling and work it out, you'll find it's far less significant than the time you will waste working it out.
• #13521
What's the aero comparison between standard 32h wheel w/ shallow rim vs. 404 vs. 808?
At the sort of speed you're going to be doing next Sunday, only about 2W.
• #13522
is it legal to keep chickens in london?
Don't get a cockrell, they are bloody loud. Instant way to piss off your neighbours.
• #13523
Go on analytical cycling and work it out, you'll find it's far less significant than the time you will waste working it out.
You should know by now I can find most information but in this case, I don't want to look into it, I want answers on a plate.
A big plate. With chips on the side.
• #13524
At the sort of speed you're going to be doing next Sunday, only about 2W.
Is that between standard and 404 or 404 and 808?
What time difference does the 2W equate to over 25mi?
• #13525
is it legal to keep chickens in london?
My father in law kept rabbits. Some years ago council jobsworths came and took them.
They didn't like the way he'd skin them in a back yard.
I've done it before but I can't remember if it was a direct fit.
I think it depends on which hubs you have.