Think I should do a new one this summer?
Maybe you can just fill it with pictures Chainbreaker has taken of himself.
Bastard! (if i never took photos, who would? Esp of you always moping for some long lost love)
I will do one of there is interest. It takes a lot of time and organising to meet everyone.
There is interest. I have framed both your previous ones (sad i know)
do it!
+1 (and +1 to all the others that encourage him)
I think I will do it. But I am going to start by inviting people rather than just opening a list. Then if that garners enough names of people who will make a little effort to meet up I will open it up. I like having people on the poster who are less prominent on the posting-front but it's going to make it easier and quicker to do if I start off with members who might feel obliged to help out. If you see what I mean.
High post count = obliged? Surely those that like helping will help out?
This puzzled me at first, but then I realised that fruitbat wasn't on it.