joe did you get my message about the monkey? this friday after school would be good if you're about? i've got to shoot off to a rehearsal from about 7 but pint and a swap before then would be good if you're able?
and unharmed, i have the tubescreamer here with me. i'm still experimenting with various amounts of foam and spring to get the switch working consistently. it's a fucking nightmare to be honest. i can get it working pefectly, then when i screw the cover back on it (6 screws) it goes down to working maybe 8 out of 10 times... which obvioulsy isn't going to cut it in a live use situation. i've had it apart maybe a dozen times in the last 48 hours. stupid thing.
i will beat it and find the exatly perfect amount of squish and resitence though. i have some new foam here and will let you know when i've got it working perfectly.
joe did you get my message about the monkey? this friday after school would be good if you're about? i've got to shoot off to a rehearsal from about 7 but pint and a swap before then would be good if you're able?
and unharmed, i have the tubescreamer here with me. i'm still experimenting with various amounts of foam and spring to get the switch working consistently. it's a fucking nightmare to be honest. i can get it working pefectly, then when i screw the cover back on it (6 screws) it goes down to working maybe 8 out of 10 times... which obvioulsy isn't going to cut it in a live use situation. i've had it apart maybe a dozen times in the last 48 hours. stupid thing.
i will beat it and find the exatly perfect amount of squish and resitence though. i have some new foam here and will let you know when i've got it working perfectly.