"We were riding, as estimated by the attending Police and subsequent
coroner's inquest, at between 15/20kph.
The car door was opened. Andy had nowhere to go as a car was straddling
both lanes to his right. The top corner of the door went straight thru
his helmet and skull. According to the coroner if the timing were right
this could be achieved at just above typical walking pace (ave 3-8kph)."
"We were riding, as estimated by the attending Police and subsequent
coroner's inquest, at between 15/20kph.
The car door was opened. Andy had nowhere to go as a car was straddling
both lanes to his right. The top corner of the door went straight thru
his helmet and skull. According to the coroner if the timing were right
this could be achieved at just above typical walking pace (ave 3-8kph)."