• #177
Copenhagen open is one week long?!
• #178
According to the flyer. In reality the tourney is likely to only be the weekend but Samson hasn't confirmed…
• #179
Yeah, they are having a bike related week there, with the road racing champs at the same time, but as DT says, I think the polo will just be at the weekend
• #180
I've added a few summer polo events on the Google calendar, mostly for pragmatic reasons. I've marked the NS tourneys as (NS). Hope that's cool.
Yes! Thanks a. Was going to do it but too lazy.. now my calendar on my phone is up to date
• #181
I'm helping to organize the champs in edinburgh next month. Quick question for one of the London Open organisers, or the Brighton crew who have hosted a NS series event...
Is there a standardized generic safety disclaimer (for participants to sign) that is going to be used for all the NS events? We are fine to work it out if not, but thought it would be good to check to see if there was some precedence. Hit me up with a PM if you gots any info. thanks.
• #182
Can send you what we used for the UK Chanps last year... pm me your email if you like...
• #183
The LHBPA's player safety and photography/video waiver is available here, just fill in the blanks:
(I'm keen to get this as an online process soon and save on all the wasted trees, I still have hundreds of filled in waivers from last year's LO, it seems a bit archaic to use paper? Anyone with any neat/solid ideas on how to do this, please get in touch.)
• #184
if you have an electronic form, that a person has to return via email from an account under their name, that's a legal version of a signature, yeh?
(in australia, the email counts as the 'intent to sign' - for some things.. like safety waivers etc) -
• #185
Thanks for the help yo, I hear ya on the paperless signing, that would be nice.
• #186
As an idea, couldn't you set all lhbpa members to have email waiver? Give them an lhbpa email address have a lhbpa address for each event...
• #187
It's harder to automate emails (in terms of seeing if they're all there, etc). I'm probably going to do an online form/waiver that updates a Google doc (like team registration), no need to collate it all then?
• #188
We wanted to be able to handle all registration on the NS website (take payments, handle registrations, fill out player info, user accounts where you can set up teams etc etc) but it's taken second place to logistics as a priority.
• #189
It's harder to automate emails (in terms of seeing if they're all there, etc). I'm probably going to do an online form/waiver that updates a Google doc (like team registration), no need to collate it all then?
It's harder to automate, but easier to set up security that would be acceptable to insurance companies to prove that the electronic sig really comes from the person.
In my limited IT/insurance experience.
• #190
Waivers are pretty worthless to insurance companies to be honest, but I see what you're saying. The photo/video sign-off is a sound process though.
• #191
Not sure where to put this, but I think it's a bit strange that the UK Champs is going to have such a small turnout, and not sure it really qualifies as a 'true' national champs. Nothing to do with where it is, just about how small the attendance is.
• #192
What are you proposing?
• #193
sheffield has an equally small turnout, no?
• #194
My plan is to use one of the teams that is on deck to ref. These teams will have already been whipped to "in the hole" on the previous game, so should be around. Also makes scheduling a lot, lot easier.
And then theyll complain that the other team had time for a last minute team talk and they didnt. For real. I watched that happen on saturday when someone was reffing.
I think people about to play are in some ways the last ones who should be reffing, because theyre thinking about the game ahead, not the one theyre watching..
Tough. We need refs, and this is the simplest way to get them.
I would just like to bring this up again, as I really am against this rule. I understand the problem, and the desire for a solution, but Bill's idea is not the solution. I had never heard of it until one night it was brought out at the pub, after the NS had begun, and it was mentioned that you would have to conform to it to take part in NS events in future.
Can someone, other than Bill (no offence), confirm that this is now law? James Aufbruch? Jono? whoever is actually going to drop the hammer on this?
• #195
Well, we can all guess the small attendance is due to the fact it's quite far away from the majority of UK players, especially so soon after Barcelona.
But that's unlikely to change in the next few years, so on that basis the Scotland (or NI) couldn't ever host the champs, which seems rather unfair.
I'd say people have had plenty of time to save for it, if they aren't going, so be it. And it would be pretty late in the day to take it away from them.
• #196
whoever is actually going to drop the hammer on this?
• #197
It's not a rule or law.
Bill is head ref for the series and this is how he wants to organise the refs.
• #198
I would just like to bring this up again, as I really am against this rule. I understand the problem, and the desire for a solution, but Bill's idea is not the solution. I had never heard of it until one night it was brought out at the pub, after the NS had begun, and it was mentioned that you would have to conform to it to take part in NS events in future.
Come up with a better solution (one that guarantees that one or two people don't have to do all the reffing, and most people do none).
• #199
If it's better than Bill's, I'll drop the hammer on him.
• #200
If I can lift it.
huzzah! thank you