rhb - sealed bearings trump old stock serviceable every time for me... what good is your time spent fettling going to do you at the track on Saturday?*
*am gobbing off now, but doing liverpool leeds on thursday so think my legs may be a little empty by saturday...
*also, I think I have too many bikes on the go, there is a never ending list of repairs and replacements, replacing parts that need servicing with new parts that will last forever is just lightening my work load long term.
rhb - sealed bearings trump old stock serviceable every time for me... what good is your time spent fettling going to do you at the track on Saturday?*
*am gobbing off now, but doing liverpool leeds on thursday so think my legs may be a little empty by saturday...
*also, I think I have too many bikes on the go, there is a never ending list of repairs and replacements, replacing parts that need servicing with new parts that will last forever is just lightening my work load long term.