next thursday sounds good. forward planning is the way forward.
also wondering what gloves you girls ride with? blister issues.
Same. Epic blister just popped on my right index finger :(
I use quite cheap gloves at the minute because I'm forever fucking them up. Or maybe it's because they're so cheap I am.... I got some great gel ones from Aldi which are really comfy, padded and grippy! Quite a few of us in Brum use the infamous pound shop gloves. Seriously.
Same. Epic blister just popped on my right index finger :(
I use quite cheap gloves at the minute because I'm forever fucking them up. Or maybe it's because they're so cheap I am.... I got some great gel ones from Aldi which are really comfy, padded and grippy! Quite a few of us in Brum use the infamous pound shop gloves. Seriously.