hmmm trying to drop a bit of weight at the moment, weighed myself after holiday last monday and was a bit shocked to see it was 82.5kg!
i was 75kg this time last year, oops...
so been eating healthily, and not drinking and have lost 2.4kg in a week, i know this isn't a sustainable rate to loose weight but it certainly encourages me to keep going!
should be back to 75kg by my wedding in July, hopefully.
hmmm trying to drop a bit of weight at the moment, weighed myself after holiday last monday and was a bit shocked to see it was 82.5kg!
i was 75kg this time last year, oops...
so been eating healthily, and not drinking and have lost 2.4kg in a week, i know this isn't a sustainable rate to loose weight but it certainly encourages me to keep going!
should be back to 75kg by my wedding in July, hopefully.