• Thanks for all those that came along and looked beyond the morning's rain.

    I learned a bit about judging today and thanks to Tony and Graham for helping out.

    I have about 5 mins to write this so this is very rough and ready, and numbers only (for now).

    Under 12 scratch: 31, 32, 33
    Under 16 scratch: 1, 5, 4
    B scratch: 51, 53, 76, 67
    A scratch: 11 (Symon Lewis), 6, 2, 5
    Youth devil: 5, 4, 3, 2
    Under 12 points: 31, 34, 32
    Under 16 points: 5, 4 (joint first), 6
    Kilo: 5 (John Coolahan), 14, 12, 19, 18, 77
    B win out: 51, 57, 76, 26, 58, 75
    A win out: 20 (Euan Cattermole), 6, 7, 2, 17, 15
    Under 12 dash: 31, 32, 34, 36
    Under 16 dash: 5, 1, 4, 2
    Match sprint: 11 (Symon Lewis), 5, 25, (2 = DNS)
    B devil: 67, 51, 52, 53
    A devil: 11, 6, 18, 20
    20k: 6, 14, 17, 7, 3 (1 lap), 12 (1 lap), 5 (1 lap); lap leader 17; first woman 66

    Hope the leg's OK jason
