Not very original, as the idea came from a confection product. A while back, and a couple of times since, I thought I'd like to try the taste of minty coffee. So I put an Extra Strong in a cup, and poured in the coffee, stirring till disolved. I anticipated a total failure, but it was rather nice. Strange, but nice. I recommend it for winter, or when one has a need for a very different taste sensation.
Not very original, as the idea came from a confection product. A while back, and a couple of times since, I thought I'd like to try the taste of minty coffee. So I put an Extra Strong in a cup, and poured in the coffee, stirring till disolved. I anticipated a total failure, but it was rather nice. Strange, but nice. I recommend it for winter, or when one has a need for a very different taste sensation.
Peppermint, not spearmint.
Fox's XXX mints should be roughly the same.
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