people who cheat at online scrabble. in this case, "words with friends". i'm seriously going to fall out with my german friend soon if he doesn't radically rethink his interpretation of fair play.
this is a guy with pretty good english and very good grammar. his vocabulary is definitely that of a non-native speaker though. a non native speaker who's been out of the country for a couple of years to boot. this is a guy who suggested having "wizards" at a wedding reception (he meant magicians) and who often forgets the english for everyday works like "kettle" "raquet" or "crank".
in our current game he's played: "oho" "wale" and "agouti". don't think so pal. a mark of his guilt (and ruthless german inability to comprehend the concept of being a good sport) i commented on a particulary obviously looked up 50+ scoring word that it "just isn't cricket!" and he didn't know what i was talking about.
people who cheat at online scrabble. in this case, "words with friends". i'm seriously going to fall out with my german friend soon if he doesn't radically rethink his interpretation of fair play.
this is a guy with pretty good english and very good grammar. his vocabulary is definitely that of a non-native speaker though. a non native speaker who's been out of the country for a couple of years to boot. this is a guy who suggested having "wizards" at a wedding reception (he meant magicians) and who often forgets the english for everyday works like "kettle" "raquet" or "crank".
in our current game he's played: "oho" "wale" and "agouti". don't think so pal. a mark of his guilt (and ruthless german inability to comprehend the concept of being a good sport) i commented on a particulary obviously looked up 50+ scoring word that it "just isn't cricket!" and he didn't know what i was talking about.
don't even try to defend him oliver!