^^On a similar topic, I've just got back from the butchers. Came out to find a bloke leaning on my bike which was propped against the window. I became furious. Why would he need to touch it? Cue stand-up argument. Told him I didn't want him touching my bike, cue him immediately touching the saddle to rile me. I became incandescent. Apologies to his daughter for my language. Mate, do not touch my property.
^^On a similar topic, I've just got back from the butchers. Came out to find a bloke leaning on my bike which was propped against the window. I became furious. Why would he need to touch it? Cue stand-up argument. Told him I didn't want him touching my bike, cue him immediately touching the saddle to rile me. I became incandescent. Apologies to his daughter for my language. Mate, do not touch my property.