Cheers moth...and its a lot cheaper than P20. Might give it a go on this weekends ride.
I use any old sun tan lotion to avoid mask lines when skiing...but then again you don't have sweat accumalating on your face as much in dry mountain air due to evaporation.
To be fair, lotion or no lotion my skin is pretty minging by the time I've been riding for 6hrs+ regardless...might just be a case of finding the best waterproof one and manning up.
Cheers moth...and its a lot cheaper than P20. Might give it a go on this weekends ride.
I use any old sun tan lotion to avoid mask lines when skiing...but then again you don't have sweat accumalating on your face as much in dry mountain air due to evaporation.
To be fair, lotion or no lotion my skin is pretty minging by the time I've been riding for 6hrs+ regardless...might just be a case of finding the best waterproof one and manning up.