I beg to differ. The main problematic symptoms of "bonking" when doing sports is the dizziness/faintless/risk of unconsciousness that comes from becoming hypoglycaemic. But with depleted localised muscle glycogen thrown into the mix. The latter is no big deal. The former is just the same as if somebody becoming hypo for any other reason.
I know what the bonk is and how to get it,you said you get it from not eating regular when doing nothing I think thats a bit far fetched for me to believe.If sombody has a diabetic condition its a totally different scenario.
Eating properly when riding isnt rocket science ,I know when to eat but could still learn from qualified experts like Pista on different types of food
I know what the bonk is and how to get it,you said you get it from not eating regular when doing nothing I think thats a bit far fetched for me to believe.If sombody has a diabetic condition its a totally different scenario.
Eating properly when riding isnt rocket science ,I know when to eat but could still learn from qualified experts like Pista on different types of food