Pretty Shitty.
I cracked the seattube where it meets the bottombracket, its completely fucked but luckily i noticed before catastrophic failure occurred.
I think it was just fatigue from all the breaking force and of course my awesome pedal power. I don't think i will be able to find a frame that nice again, i need to work out if its repairable.
Check your Argos Joe, maybe its an inherent Argos trait ill give my other one a check over know :)
Glad you got home safe, really shitty thing to happen, hope it can be fixed.
Just got home from Cambridge. Had a great ride but pretty knackered now.
Big thanks to Skully and skive for leading. Brilliant day out.
Glad you got home safe, really shitty thing to happen, hope it can be fixed.
Just got home from Cambridge. Had a great ride but pretty knackered now.
Big thanks to Skully and skive for leading. Brilliant day out.
Oh, and Happy Birthday Chainbreaker