Yes yes, but we still have a rather "Moral Majority" gestalt opinion do we not?
Whilst we may argue about bar tape colour and shun people for mixing Shimano and Campag we tend to agree on things like "a blanket 20mph speed limit is good" without actually giving it any thought.
Knee jerk response, as we see it as punishing the car whilst not affecting us- a real case of I'm alright Jack and sod the others.
I'm a little shocked... Damit homework fail.
A great deal of though has been expended on this topic. As far as I am aware the average speed of a car in London is well below 20mph. I am told that this is mainly due to to sheer volume of traffic and the effect of drivers speeding between delays. Rushing to the next tailback is part of the problem as it just grows the tailback faster then it can be relieved. Restricting speed actually will decrease journey times, madly enough, as it would smooth flow. Hitting 40 mph between stationary delays is the current status quo.
A 20mph limit would be far from being "I'm alright Jack and sod the others"... quite the opposite in fact.
There is a major issue of air quality associated with speeding too... a bugbear of mine.
I'm a little shocked... Damit homework fail.
A great deal of though has been expended on this topic. As far as I am aware the average speed of a car in London is well below 20mph. I am told that this is mainly due to to sheer volume of traffic and the effect of drivers speeding between delays. Rushing to the next tailback is part of the problem as it just grows the tailback faster then it can be relieved. Restricting speed actually will decrease journey times, madly enough, as it would smooth flow. Hitting 40 mph between stationary delays is the current status quo.
A 20mph limit would be far from being "I'm alright Jack and sod the others"... quite the opposite in fact.
There is a major issue of air quality associated with speeding too... a bugbear of mine.