• #402
What it all has anything to do with anything?
What went wrong with your life that you have to appear in rather strange moments only to stir things up?
Again, the guy you're trying to defend so much is calling you a hipster pussyhole.
The only time I hear that word is when some scum actually wants something which belongs to me and I don't like it.So let's sum up the whole thread - no estate scum has more right to "own" the place than normal hard working people (or not working and partying all day long students).
Whatever else you're trying to say is irrelevant.
• #403
call someone a cunt most places in england and it's fighting talk. don't be fooled by the brave attempts of the middle-class wankers in London, they've just run out of expletives cos they're rude and uptight.
That's why I prefer to call people cockdribbles or turdsmudges. Far less likely to get aggro.
really gotta go, more rocks to bake up, you know how it goes.
I was into Crack when he was still one of the Rice Krispies. -
• #404
Whatever budgie-tits
• #405
popcorn? pah!
this thread has prime beef!
• #406
I wish I still lived in N6.
• #407
^ It's his fucking manor. He's fucking old skool, you get me.
"He was considered by far the richest commoner in Berkshire." (non-posh types got there first :p)
• #408
And, whatever PJ writes (and if you ignore my popcorn induction), I still don't agree with justification of bike robberies, because the victims are only hipster pussies who don't belong there.
It's tough. People come, people go. Some are posh, some are poor. Some are local, some are migrants.My nephew's friends were saying the same things about the Mozart estate (NW) - that it's ok to rob people and steal from the shops in Bayswater, because it's about social justice. No, you're wrong.
• #409
And, whatever PJ writes (and if you ignore my popcorn induction), I still don't agree with justification of bike robberies, because the victims are only hipster pussies who don't belong there.
It's tough. People come, people go. Some are posh, some are poor. Some are local, some are migrants.My nephew's friends were saying the same things about the Mozart estate (NW) - that it's ok to rob people and steal from the shops in Bayswater, because it's about social justice. No, you're wrong.
Shouldn't that be 'Rich & Poor', 'Posh & Working Class'?
• #410
Dalston is a ghetto?
• #411
• #412
What all this pussyholin' going on?
• #413
What it all has anything to do with anything?
What went wrong with your life that you have to appear in rather strange moments only to stir things up?
jeeez..! what went wrong with your life that someone can't even say your post is 'silly'? I'll appear when I wish.. you gonna try and tell me when I when I can't post as well now?
Again, the guy you're trying to defend so much is calling you a hipster pussyhole.
oh come off it.. i'm a hipster am I? really? that says more about how you see me than how I see myself. in the mirror. every day. getting older and fatter. i just don't sneer at them like a lot of people seem to on here.
So let's sum up the whole thread - no estate scum has more right to "own" the place than normal hard working people (or not working and partying all day long students).
Whatever else you're trying to say is irrelevant.
i'm not arguing with you on that. you called someone out on using the word 'pussyhole' and in the same paragraph used the word 'cunt'. It seemed like an amusing contradiction at the time. I called you out on it saying you were 'silly'. From that all this? Chill the fuck out, man. I get the message that you don't like me... maybe I've loathed your posts bossing people around longer than you've loathed mine.. who knows?I've just got back from playing pool for the last three hours - ironically, very near the 'bad boy' area of Dalston this thread's about.. THIS.MEANS.NOTHING. Your experience in Leyton is a world away from what's being discussed here. My real answer to the thread topic? Most of London is a series of villages where the rich and the poor, the posh and the working class and the underclass live cheek by jowl. Your family in Leyton - I would imagine, and I'm not trying to offend you in any way - most likely have way more day-to-day problems with 'scum' than the hipsters/middle class affable media types/people who smell of wealth to po' motherfuckers they ride by in 'fashionable' Dalston/De Beauvoir/etc. For most of us it's luck in East London. Where do people think they're living, Wiltshire?
For people on estates who are in it it's unimaginable to most comfortable people who chime in on theads like these. It's the kids who grow up being told which streets they're allowed on and take years to be able to see there's a world past that who I feel sorry for, not some middle-class cyclists from the counties who run into bad luck as a result of living in London. Go and live in Surrey if you never want your cage rattled. I've had good times in London and I've very occasionally had a few dicey moments. I've been lucky, but at the same time - day-to-day life isn't so bad. There are much darker places in England, let alone the rest of the world.
And now? How does this thread change anything? Shall the hipsters of Dalston have a sit-down with the De Beauvoir estate daddies? I think they've got more significant things on their mind. I, too, have all my sympathies with those who are unlucky and end up robbed and mugged just because somehwere's on their route home. And believe it or not I've been mugged in my time too. But a thread like this, eventually, is only going to come to cause more middle-class hand-wringing than solutions.
• #414
....needs screenplay
• #415
wrings hands
• #416
He he. Spawned loads of bollocks this evening.
I've got time for this, but I'm surprised that other don't need to get up and do some work or whatever. -
• #417
South of Charing Cross, which is the notional centre of London. For an extra 2 points, tell me where Charing Cross the street is, and where the actual point from which the measurements are taken from is.*
No Wikipedia Cheating here, dead centre of London is a plaque on the floor of the traffic island with the statue of Charles I in it. My old man told me that years ago.
• #418
And seriously, what all this "Leyton" talk? I don't even live there. And my family is from Leytonstone, Catford, Walthamstow, Clapton and Harrow Road. We move around. My brothers in law have almost half of century of experience of North West and South West London - very extensive one, because they both work with young people and people misusing substances. I can be a foreigner, but it doesn't mean I don't know how this city works, because I went through the works of it at the very begining.
I really don't talk through my arse - ok, sometimes I will pull your leg, but the basics are simple:This statement is silly:
It's the kids who grow up being told which streets they're allowed on and take years to be able to see there's a world past that who I feel sorry for, not some middle-class cyclists from the counties who run into bad luck as a result of living in London
The same kids you're trying to defend will take advantage of you when you turn your back. All this goody-goody approach doesn't work. I know it doesn't, but we'd have to discuss it over a beer or something, because it's more of a private matter.
• #419
He he. Spawned loads of bollocks this evening.
I've got time for this, but I'm surprised that other don't need to get up and do some work or whatever.i don't understand this post. please tell me you're not still thinking it's about having a personal argument. i think i've given your points a lot more consideration than you wrote some of them with.
edit: right, reading your next post now.
• #420
I don't like internet arguments. I write something which is only a 20% of what I want to say, you misinterpret it.. We can rant forever.
I understand your sentiments, but also will never agree with anybody trying to justify theft and violence.
• #421
well.. the bit you've highlighted I was actually feeling sorry for the kids on estates who get caught up in being told where their lives are and aren't safe who aren't the 'scum' you talked about earlier. Or are you saying everyone on an estate is thieving violent scum? I'm fairly sure you're not, and it must be an unimaginably oppressive existence at times for those who don't buy into it. there's nothing 'goody-goody' in that, nor am I trying to justify theft and violence.
Leyton/Leytonstone.. yep, I flipped a coin as I couldn't remember and could've sworn there was talk of Leyton before. Anyway, wrong one.
I'd be interested to talk about it over a beer. But you made something personal that was such a mild remark and this 20% bit was enough for you to be insulting.. take it in the spirit it was meant and not some massive cue to let me know how much of a 'cunt' you think I am, which I read in comments like 'how shall I call you' and 'white knight'..this personalisation of shit to gain points pisses me right the fuck off on this forum and hard though some people seem to find it to believe, I've already a fairly good idea of who thinks I'm a cunt and who doesn't and I'm not losing sleep over it, maybe the feeling's mutual. But I'm not one of the people on here who swans around being a deliberate shit to people, nor a sneaky bastard, so there's nothing 'random' about my posts. you'll find you responded to a very mild, one-line comment. okay, after that maybe I came on a bit strong but i'm tired of shit being recontextualised to make it personal on the few occasions I challenge people on here who should know better. There's an untold amount of stuff I ignore and never comment on that others have a field day with and go unchecked. I just get tired of rudeness and call out some of the people who maybe consider themselves beyond reproach on here and they don't like it. but they can't just respond in kind, they have to make low blows like making out i think i'm on a mission. bullshit, I just find some of the ballswinging on here laughable. all egos. deeply unappealing.
• #422
My thoughts on the c word. Alot of us here use that word with each other, on a friendly basis. This is good in my opinion as it takes the power and strength of the word away from it. For me, I use it as a good word. I spend a hell alot of time and energy chasing or thinking about it (not women, the sexual act) and we all came from one. Thats why I've never got it as swear word. The only way I can see is to belittle women. Which seeing as without them we, as a race, would be no where. I don't get belittling a whole gender.
• #423
and who'd do the dishes (*)?
- I just did
- I just did
• #424
Thats why you have kids, when you can't afford a dish washer. ;)
• #425
i'm not sure a garbled contemplation on the word 'cunt' is massively helpful at this stage lynx, but suffice to say i thought EEI was being contrary, EEI thought i was being uppity, i thought EEI was being uppity and probably came in a bit long and strong, then we called each other out on all of that, then a while later we duked it out a bit more, then we got to talking about the thread subject again, so maybe the thread's back on track now? dear god i hope so.
it's all wingedangel's fault. joking..
Wow, some dude on the internet pretends to be an authentic ras klaat and everyone starts acting all street or something.