they're from a home session we did a month ago. I think the guitar sound is lovely. The guitarist was using a pretty horrible guitar made up of a bad lp copies body and an encore strat neck, with some fairly decent (i think) pickups, through some temperamental home built pedals and a rather lovely laney amp. The recording is a little rough - was done in a front room in one take with vocals added later in the bathroom (bathroom acoustics leave a lot to be desired).
just after some feedback on a couple of recent recordings:
they're from a home session we did a month ago. I think the guitar sound is lovely. The guitarist was using a pretty horrible guitar made up of a bad lp copies body and an encore strat neck, with some fairly decent (i think) pickups, through some temperamental home built pedals and a rather lovely laney amp. The recording is a little rough - was done in a front room in one take with vocals added later in the bathroom (bathroom acoustics leave a lot to be desired).
i'm playing bass by the way.