This hill can't fucking stop me
That hurt
In a good way
I can't believe I was gonna get the train
I'm going so fast I'm gonna set off that thing that tells you to slow down
22 mph on the flat...prob more like 17...pussy
Endorphins have kicked in, I'm never getting public transport again.
I'be been trackstanding for ages. Someone spot ME...PLEASE!
After you, sir
What a nice bus driver
C*NT x3
I'm not ready to be a ped yet...round the block quickly, I'll tell her I got lost
I didn't lock my bike to theirs, did I?
That WOULD have been stupid.
I love you.
No one will try to steal you will they?
I don't mind if they succeed as you're insured, but if they just fuck you up and I have to carry you home I'm gonna be PISSED.
^^nice. on the trackstanding i've had peds say things like "oh good balance" to me before! i just smile and don't let on that it's easy!
^^nice. on the trackstanding i've had peds say things like "oh good balance" to me before! i just smile and don't let on that it's easy!