murtle did a great job with photos of the Fenix lamp, but didn't really go into showing how it was fitted to the bike, nor mentioned how long the battery lasts, etc:
So clefty's is spot on in terms of both word count, photos and content... and murtle showed good use of photos to show something that most product photos wouldn't.
Shini, please do.
And wiganwill, the rims are machined so you would be good to go.
Photos don't need to be pro... but if you want to mention stuff in the review, it's just good to have photos to show what you're on about.
Examples of good reviews:
clefty's review of the Xena disc alarm is the kind of thing we're aiming for:
murtle did a great job with photos of the Fenix lamp, but didn't really go into showing how it was fitted to the bike, nor mentioned how long the battery lasts, etc:
So clefty's is spot on in terms of both word count, photos and content... and murtle showed good use of photos to show something that most product photos wouldn't.