bagged a bottle of Rogue Brewery's Shakespear Oatmeal Stout from Utoboor in Borough Market. Will be having that on Sunday. I really liked their "Dead Guy Ale" which is their renamed Mayer Bock so looking forward to the Stout.
Guinness - standard/yardstick. Either draught or stout. You can get it 'stout' from the tap but only if the bar staff will take the widget off the tap for you.
Murphys - ok, lighter than Guinness, good if you think Guinness is too heavy
Beamish - very nice, almost smokey, best drunk in Cork in the pub opposite the brewery.
Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout - very nice but but a bit gassy, gives me the hiccups
Oyster Stout from the Porterhouse - heavy, good, rich, I imagine it would cook very well
Dragon Stout - *makes you f*ck like crazy*
I need to try some of those others though. I like the Nigerian Guinness more than the Irish one. Sweeter, and more alcoholic?
I need to try some of those others though. I like the Nigerian Guinness more than the Irish one. Sweeter, and more alcoholic?