It's the anti-fixie commute... Brixton > Kensington... Nodders all the way, apart from the really nice Irish guy on a road bike I see on most mornings I'm heading Way Out West... We meet on Brixton Water Lane then split up and meet up again at least twice at different points on our way (if the Gods are kind) to the Fulham Road... He turns left, I continue up Pelham Street...
It's the anti-fixie commute... Brixton > Kensington... Nodders all the way, apart from the really nice Irish guy on a road bike I see on most mornings I'm heading Way Out West... We meet on Brixton Water Lane then split up and meet up again at least twice at different points on our way (if the Gods are kind) to the Fulham Road... He turns left, I continue up Pelham Street...