Bloke on a single speed beater Old St came flying up my inside today and stumbled off onto the curb. I was about to get all 'what the fuck are you doing' about it but then I realised his brake leaver had snapped off in his hand.
I asked if he was alright, he ignored me, I asked again, he ignored me again.
The only thing that pissed me off about this incident was him ignoring my genuine concern for him and his bike's health.
Yesterday a bloke on the train was ramming his bike into the rack and really knocking my bike about. I wasn't angry, the way I see it is that I'm the unusual one for being precious about my bike. I got up and helped him get in the rack and tried to strike up a bit of friendly chat. All I got was a grunt and scowl.
Bloke on a single speed beater Old St came flying up my inside today and stumbled off onto the curb. I was about to get all 'what the fuck are you doing' about it but then I realised his brake leaver had snapped off in his hand.
I asked if he was alright, he ignored me, I asked again, he ignored me again.
The only thing that pissed me off about this incident was him ignoring my genuine concern for him and his bike's health.
Yesterday a bloke on the train was ramming his bike into the rack and really knocking my bike about. I wasn't angry, the way I see it is that I'm the unusual one for being precious about my bike. I got up and helped him get in the rack and tried to strike up a bit of friendly chat. All I got was a grunt and scowl.
Why are people so ignorant?