butts in over last few posts
well that got bitchy,
tell me to fuck off if you like, I wont listen but you'll feel better.
I spoke to the kids and they are dead keen(in an I don't want to look excited as i'll lose my cool look), I said if they got a propper signed disclaimer from their parents and got propper kit and things, then asked to play perhaps they'd have more success, other wise I said all you need are mallets and a hockey ball go teach yourselves then turn up in a few months and kick the 'adult' cambridge polo's boys arses :), which they seemed quite pleased about.
I agree with the fox. You /could/ be snubbing out new talent, but if they're that keen then they'll kick off polo on their own, then you can have gang land style turf wars, it'll be epic! :D
butts in over last few posts
well that got bitchy,
tell me to fuck off if you like, I wont listen but you'll feel better.
I spoke to the kids and they are dead keen(in an I don't want to look excited as i'll lose my cool look), I said if they got a propper signed disclaimer from their parents and got propper kit and things, then asked to play perhaps they'd have more success, other wise I said all you need are mallets and a hockey ball go teach yourselves then turn up in a few months and kick the 'adult' cambridge polo's boys arses :), which they seemed quite pleased about.
I agree with the fox. You /could/ be snubbing out new talent, but if they're that keen then they'll kick off polo on their own, then you can have gang land style turf wars, it'll be epic! :D
wanders off back to Birmingham section