I'm interested in taking more pictures so i want a good, cheap supply of film . I have used fp4 and delta400 before and loved the results but i'm still doing GCSE's so have limited cash. I saw rollei rpx, rollei retro 400s (repackaged afga) and kentmere 400 (made by harman). there all bellow £3 which is good ( i even saw a pack od ten rollie retro 100 for £17), but i also want good results i know maybe not as good as delta, fp4, hp5, tri-x etc. does anyone have any experiance with these films or any recomendations for a 400 or 100 speed B+W film?
I'm interested in taking more pictures so i want a good, cheap supply of film . I have used fp4 and delta400 before and loved the results but i'm still doing GCSE's so have limited cash. I saw rollei rpx, rollei retro 400s (repackaged afga) and kentmere 400 (made by harman). there all bellow £3 which is good ( i even saw a pack od ten rollie retro 100 for £17), but i also want good results i know maybe not as good as delta, fp4, hp5, tri-x etc. does anyone have any experiance with these films or any recomendations for a 400 or 100 speed B+W film?