Define 'big'. It's well worth having on race wheels, completely irrelevant otherwise. Could make the difference between time bands in a sportive, but if you care that much you should be racing, not pretending.
I have to beat a man to the top of a mountain this summer, he is approximately 20kg lighter than me, and likes suffering (this last information gleaned from his choice of friends*)
Will aero spokes make it easier to beat him? If yes then I'm all over that shit, if no then I care not a tittle or jot.
I have to beat a man to the top of a mountain this summer, he is approximately 20kg lighter than me, and likes suffering (this last information gleaned from his choice of friends*)
Will aero spokes make it easier to beat him? If yes then I'm all over that shit, if no then I care not a tittle or jot.
*Only joking