Pork, clams,fries,octopus,rice. Now we're talking.
I'm so fucking hungry.
I've been 'dieting' all month. Bar one or two moments of weakness including an impromptu bodeans - lots of lean grilled meat and vegetables and fuck all else apart from cucumber on crisp-bread and the like. It's depressing...
As soon as I can fit back into my favourite pair of jeans after the excesses of the holidays and I'm hitting that shit hard.
Pork, clams,fries,octopus,rice. Now we're talking.
I'm so fucking hungry.
I've been 'dieting' all month. Bar one or two moments of weakness including an impromptu bodeans - lots of lean grilled meat and vegetables and fuck all else apart from cucumber on crisp-bread and the like. It's depressing...
As soon as I can fit back into my favourite pair of jeans after the excesses of the holidays and I'm hitting that shit hard.