If you want to pay £10330583394 for something then do it, if you don't then don't I just don't see why people get worked up about shit when they can easily ignore it if they wish. Getting angry at other peoples decisions which have no effect on you is pointless.
Angry? Why angry? It's just a common knowledge, that people will judge you for your actions. That's what I'm talking about.
If you can carry well the "snob" or "douche" label well, then go for it.
Just don't tell me, that something is better, because it's more expensive. It's not true.
Angry? Why angry? It's just a common knowledge, that people will judge you for your actions. That's what I'm talking about.
If you can carry well the "snob" or "douche" label well, then go for it.
Just don't tell me, that something is better, because it's more expensive. It's not true.