Since when? Last 24 hours. I posted them before as a cheap, but well made alternative to some posh wank only to be ignored :-)
Style>Snobism. I think fellow members like moog and other who defend overpriced clobber, are mistaking snobism for style..
I have no problem with cheaper brands and almost exclusively wear Uniqlo but I also don't have an issue with brands who charge astronomical prices. Not once have I slagged off low end/good value brands. I buy things because I like them, if they cost £20 sweet, if they cost £120 then it just means I'll have to save a bit longer.
If you want to pay £10330583394 for something then do it, if you don't then don't I just don't see why people get worked up about shit when they can easily ignore it if they wish. Getting angry at other peoples decisions which have no effect on you is pointless.
I have no problem with cheaper brands and almost exclusively wear Uniqlo but I also don't have an issue with brands who charge astronomical prices. Not once have I slagged off low end/good value brands. I buy things because I like them, if they cost £20 sweet, if they cost £120 then it just means I'll have to save a bit longer.
If you want to pay £10330583394 for something then do it, if you don't then don't I just don't see why people get worked up about shit when they can easily ignore it if they wish. Getting angry at other peoples decisions which have no effect on you is pointless.