lots of time on my hands at the moment combined with a sudden realisation that I'm rather unfit = providing structure to my days by hour of powering (possibly with some afternoon cadence turbo stuff if I clear the todo pile), at least until some of the speed comes back.
This is unlikely, my current averages are a little ...off.
Flexi time combined with unfitness and a boss who wants to know what I want in the next few months in exchange for being got rid of means I may be up for some lunchtime hours of power. Plus the thought of going round RP in the dark is too depressing, so let me know if you've got more planned.
Flexi time combined with unfitness and a boss who wants to know what I want in the next few months in exchange for being got rid of means I may be up for some lunchtime hours of power. Plus the thought of going round RP in the dark is too depressing, so let me know if you've got more planned.