For which tyre? For a trike, which puts big side loads on the tyre, I'd err on the side of wider rims.
For the single wheel at the back - no side loads - the same mounting as a conventional rear wheel. The tyre will be a big apple 24"x2" which is a 507-50 in real dimensions. I can only find a no-name rim from sjs that isnt dh or bmx cruiser specific. Most of these seem to be wider than I'd like and quite heavy. Am I looking in the wrong place?
For the single wheel at the back - no side loads - the same mounting as a conventional rear wheel. The tyre will be a big apple 24"x2" which is a 507-50 in real dimensions. I can only find a no-name rim from sjs that isnt dh or bmx cruiser specific. Most of these seem to be wider than I'd like and quite heavy. Am I looking in the wrong place?