The fact that university has to be paid for does not alone justify getting students to pay for it. Everyone pays for the road out of their income tax, yet to all intensive purposes the road is free to use. It is the benefit to society of having free or well subsidised education which is the relevant factor.
If cuts are to be made then higher education should face them like everyone else, don't argue that higher education should be immune from the cuts, argue that the cuts are unfair, ideological, oportunistic etc, and ask why teaching is cut 80% while the top rate of tax is pittance.
The fact that university has to be paid for does not alone justify getting students to pay for it. Everyone pays for the road out of their income tax, yet to all intensive purposes the road is free to use. It is the benefit to society of having free or well subsidised education which is the relevant factor.
If cuts are to be made then higher education should face them like everyone else, don't argue that higher education should be immune from the cuts, argue that the cuts are unfair, ideological, oportunistic etc, and ask why teaching is cut 80% while the top rate of tax is pittance.