who judges whether the bike/mallet control/spacial awareness is sufficient? tough one but as much as id hate to admit it probably Chan and a few more experienced players, there will be a general agreement and there is nothing wrong with this, like i said the way we are currently wouldn't happen in any other sport
who pays for powerhouse lights - the people who play 7.30 - 9.30
**can we justify another night at powerhouse - **i think for now though 3 sessions is enough, would people actually want to pay double and play on Tuesdays as well (i dont think there would be enough people)
on the points youve questioned id say,
who judges whether the bike/mallet control/spacial awareness is sufficient? tough one but as much as id hate to admit it probably Chan and a few more experienced players, there will be a general agreement and there is nothing wrong with this, like i said the way we are currently wouldn't happen in any other sport
who pays for powerhouse lights - the people who play 7.30 - 9.30
**can we justify another night at powerhouse - **i think for now though 3 sessions is enough, would people actually want to pay double and play on Tuesdays as well (i dont think there would be enough people)