Apologies, I've had a very long complicated day and I just need a nice sit down and a cup of tea.
The small penised twat who took umbridge to my taking the primary position in front of him on Newington Green roundabout and chased me for a mile trying to ram me off my bike probably didn't help - was glad of the cars I managed to keep between us though. After he first tried to kill me he pulled up alongside and wound his window down, and I asked him what the hell he was trying to do, he literally screamed, like a proper mental breakdown type scream. He then started beeping at the cars between me and him because they were preventing him from catching up with me.
Apologies, I've had a very long complicated day and I just need a nice sit down and a cup of tea.
The small penised twat who took umbridge to my taking the primary position in front of him on Newington Green roundabout and chased me for a mile trying to ram me off my bike probably didn't help - was glad of the cars I managed to keep between us though. After he first tried to kill me he pulled up alongside and wound his window down, and I asked him what the hell he was trying to do, he literally screamed, like a proper mental breakdown type scream. He then started beeping at the cars between me and him because they were preventing him from catching up with me.
I hate tube strikes.