all expressing anti-rapha sentiment post your annual gross income.
all expressing pro-rapha sentiment post you annual gross income.
will be interesting to see what we can infer from the results.
thanks cunts :)
seriously though.
i dnot expect people to post thier inomes here of course.
results of that excercise might bear out my gut feeling about many of the posts and posters on this thread - it isnt actually about rapha, it's a about how much people earn or can afford to spend and the way that makes them feel.
for many anti posts read, "i cant afford it, i earn shit and i'm bitter about that"
read the opposite for many pro posts - "i can afford it so fuck you"
some of the pro's seem a little ashamed. it's poor form to flaunt one's relative wealth but i suspect that some of them really want to say something like "fuck you, you povvo cunts. i have shitloads of money. go get some nasty shit from decathlon while i snuggle in my decadent twat-wear"
it's a class war brothers
Lol, repped etc. Can we have another option? Those who think Rapha is as cheesy as fuck and worshipped by idiot faux cyclists?
Lol, repped etc. Can we have another option? Those who think Rapha is as cheesy as fuck and worshipped by idiot faux cyclists?