I saw the police giving some bloke a load of grief the previous sunday too. They turned the bike upside down, checked the serial number then eventually let him go. Im not exactly pro-funbuster all of the time, but it was good to see something happening on the bike front.
As they were doing it though, some big mouthed passer by got involved and started going on about how the police were harassing people with nice bikes and the 'wrong look' and wouldn't leave them alone, asking them why they didn't 'check his camera serial' and so on. He followed them half the length of the lane trying to make an example of them. Essentially he was just a busybody who had butted into a situation he wasn't anything to do with. It was really annoying.
That's the funny thing about the police. There are lots of people out there with big mouths who reckon they could do a better job and yet most of them wouldn't have the guts to actually deal with some of societies' nastiest characters on a daily basis. This obviously says more about them than it does about the coppers.
Personally I've never really understood (and I'm talking about the good coppers here not the idiots that are in the force) what some people could find so awful about someone who decides they want to help their community by making it safer and keeping tabs on the scum-bags.
That's the funny thing about the police. There are lots of people out there with big mouths who reckon they could do a better job and yet most of them wouldn't have the guts to actually deal with some of societies' nastiest characters on a daily basis. This obviously says more about them than it does about the coppers.
Personally I've never really understood (and I'm talking about the good coppers here not the idiots that are in the force) what some people could find so awful about someone who decides they want to help their community by making it safer and keeping tabs on the scum-bags.