• #202
Oh, so week's break between courses? It is on tonight, isn't it?
• #203
Oliver, no breaks 'til Christmas this time round as they're all short (5 weeks) courses. Sorry I didn't get this earlier and for any confusion caused!
Look forward to seeing you soon!
• #204
Ah, sorry, Rebecca, I thought I'd got my weeks mixed up, so didn't come down. The good news is that I should be able to make all five dates of this series!
• #205
I'm starting the new course this week hurrah
• #206
Great, I am, too. See you there!
• #207
Best wishes for the next course people.
Just writing up another sequence, this one is an afternoon/evening session, based around reclined and inverted postures and intended for intermediates.
be happy to know what you make of it.Start in
- Supta padangustasana- alternate knees to chest/ alternate leg pulls/ alternate leg to side.
- Spinal rolling, both directions.
- Jathara Parivartanasana.
- Roll up to Navasana.
- Roll over to Halasana.
- Into Supta Konasana.
- Roll up into Niralamba Sarvangasana.
- Pause in semi supine posture.
- Urdhva Prasarita Padasana( Leg cycling)
- Bhujadhanurasana.
- Setubhujasana.
- Salamba Sarvangasana.
- Eka Pada Salamba Sarvangasana.
- Setu Banda Salamba Sarvangasana.
- Eka Pada Setu Banda Salamba Sarvangasana.
- Urdhva Padmasana in Salamba Sarvangasana.
- Pause now in Savasana,
you could end here or to go deeper :- - Urdhva Dhanurasana.
- Yoganidrasana.
- Navasana variations.
- Supta Virasana.
- Krounchasana alternate sides.
- Ustrasansa.
- Laghuvajrasana.
- Kapotasana.
- Final three postures.Tolasana/Baddha Padmasana/Yogamudrasana.
- Rest in Padmasana.
enjoy your practice.
- Supta padangustasana- alternate knees to chest/ alternate leg pulls/ alternate leg to side.
• #208
Great pic of Urdhva Dhanurasana,
how was Holy Isle Bogue?
came across an aerial photo of it recently, just one landing point rising from a village to big hill-- minimalist experience on there I imagine!
starting a new group course next tuesday morning at that new place mentioned ^, should be good for keeping the heat up as Autumn falls in. -
• #209
Hey *m.f,
Ta for suggested sequence - looks great - will have a go and feedback soon! Always really refreshing to try a new way of putting things together!
And rather racy pic of Urdhva Dhanurasana - ooer missus! ;-)
Holy Isle was great. It is indeed a tiny place, not even two by two miles. The publess-and-post-officeless 'village' is small, volunteer-run and a pretty successful venture as far as I can tell. Their vegetable garden is gorgeous and fruitful, the kitchen an inspiring and quite hilarious place to do some hours and the meditation rooms generous and bright. And yes, coming from London, it did feel refreshingly minimal. Although small, there is much lovely walking to be done, either around the whole island or over the heather clad lumps in the middle where you get a 360 degree view of Scottish land and sea as well as the company of wild sheep, goats and horses. So yes, the days were simple and divine, consisting of cooking, meditating, walking, chatting, reading and sleeping.
Would recommend to anyone, especially for the skint (once up there, you can be bedded and fed for nothing as long as you're willing to put some hours in the kitchen or garden every day), for those needing to get away from it all and for those wanting a break from caning it!
How's your new course?
Namaste all...
• #210
Great to hear about it, simplicity is a pretty rare commodity in modern life, seems like you got the essence of it up there.
Course just started, so early days,we had 7 for first class, and not necessarily booked for all 12 weeks, so we will see, feedback was good from the girls we spoke to afterwards. Cool way to start the day before work.
Cracked me up somewhat being in a group class again, someones phone rang- they ran to turn it off, who knows why? atmosphere was good though. The management of that Pavilion Dance are seriously punting at mo, what I mean is that if their classes done get subscribed, it must have cost major ££ to set up, 3 studios in a beautiful restored art deco building, we will see anyway.
Am teaching my housemates which is all good, one 20 something able man,
one 20 something woman who has cerebral palsy, thats particularly good,
as we are working together to discover what we can combine from my yoga/ breathing and her previous physiotherapy sessions. Its coming together!posture of the day, Bhairavasana, one of the many faces of Shiva, awesome forward bend it feels divine, this looks like Jois' son to me what do you think?
edit, it isnt him, evidently a Polish website some great pictures here:-
• #211
a short clip I made recently, such a beautiful day wanted to share it, and this is where I have made much solo progress this year, its a first take. massive shouts to Eightball for sorting the technology for me.
hows the thursday course going?
• #212
this is one of the best Yoga vids on the tube in my view of things
• #213
a short clip I made recently, such a beautiful day wanted to share it, and this is where I have made much solo progress this year, its a first take. massive shouts to Eightball for sorting the technology for me.
hows the thursday course going?
YouTube - Jason Falconer - Yoga - Poole, Dorset, UK
Beach bum. ;)
So *m.f clearly stands for 'mega-fit'.
• #214
^^easy tiger :-)
• #215
I'll beat Rebecca to posting this:
Greetings cyclists, yogi's and friends!
As you may or may not know, cycleshow 2010 is coming up (www.cycleshow.co.uk). For those unfamiliar with it, 'tis the biggest cycle show in the UK - it takes place at the Earl's Court Exhibition Centre from 8th-10th October for the general public (the 7th is trade day).
Amongst all things cycle related under one roof (2011 bikes, accessories, commuter and kids test tracks, a cycling arena, experts sharing cycling knowledge, cycling displays, an indoor triathlon etc.), there will be stand A5 - Yoga for Cylists! The idea with the stand is to run a few themed taster sessions every day (book here to sign up http://www.cycleshow.co.uk/page.cfm/Link=354/t=m/goSection=30) as well as answer questions, advise etc.
There will be a chance of winning a yoga for cyclists course draw too. So, if you're coming, do visit stand A5 and bring friends!
If you would like to come, but can't afford it, then I have a (slightly selfish!) suggestion. If you are willing and able to volunteer some hours at the yoga for cyclists stand (open 10am - 6pm every day), we can get you in for nowt as staff. This would be enormously helpful for me as otherwise I am on my own (trying to teach taster sessions, talk to people and get lunch may prove tricky on my own!).
I am ideally seeking people who are interested in cycling, yoga and talking to people, but I would love to hear from anyone who is just up for helping out! Let me know asap as I need to register your name...
Look forward to hearing from you,
Rebecca Bogue
yoga for cyclists -
• #216
brilliant work Rebecca!
theres an opportunity, amongst the commercial mayhem that cycle show now is....
Im down for the gag that will be London Brighton ride saturday now, hmm. -
• #217
Greetings all,
Sorry about 2 week absence!
Combination of covering many classes for the brilliant Angelika Grohmann (Body of Light) for three weeks whilst she was away and getting ready for the cycleshow. Blimey, having never participated in such a commercial venture, I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel somehwat - a phenomenal amount of work is needed to get one's own stand up and running, but am learning heaps along the way, so all good (I think)!
Commercial it may be, but I must say my experience so far with the organisers has been nothing short of inspiring. They have been uber generous, seem to be genuinely excited by the concept, are encouraging women to 'man' their own stands and have been very supportive and patient with naive creatures such as myself along the way.
Thank you Oliver for ticking one of my tasks off my apparently endless list of to-do-for-cycle-show list! Wanted to add too that I just received a few comps for the show which I'd be happy to give out to lfgss peeps, just pm me if you'd like one...
So some sunny yoga vids posted! Good to see you're still getting plenty of use of your seaside deck *m.f - impressive uddiyana! Boards of Canada a particulary apposite choice too...
And good on lucky Ashtanga dude to be able to practice the series on so many extraordinary surfaces!
Sounds like your class is doing really well *m.f - keep up the good work! 12 weeks sounds like a great course length too...
As for London-Brighton ride, was that yesterday or the following weekend?
New yoga for cyclists 5 week course starts this Thursday 7th October, hope to see some of you there or/ and at the cycle show!
• #218
hey the ride is next sat, and tbh even though I think youre idea for cycle show is a really good one and I wish you all the best, Im ambivalent about that whole place/ event on a sat. Thought about coming up for the last part of the week but have work appointments so, ..--pretty much rules me out which is a shame.
• #219
no worries *m.f, quite understand...
Enjoy the ride!
• #220
How did the stand at the cycle show go? many good groups to work with?
intrigued to know as it was a squillion quid to get a stall....
and all the yoga for health and free -
• #221
I enjoyed the cycle show immensely - indeed the stalls are undoubtedly pricey, but thankfully this was a price I didn't have to pay... in exchange for offering yoga taster sessions all day every day for small groups and on a one-to-one basis for nothing, so free and healthy it remained!
So quite tiring for a one-woman operation (with the assistance of a few brilliant volunteers) but as with so many things in concentration, an extraordinary education on all levels! A great opportunity to meet people, discuss their cycling patterns, body awareness, complaints and most importantly introduce them to the idea of yoga and taking a class wherever they may live - hurrah!
How's your course coming along?
• #223
*m.f - meant to add, a friend of yours came to the stand to introduce herself - I can't remember her name now, but she was lovely!
• #224
glad to hear it was a success- you are another emissary, once its got you it cant be stopped!
thats funny you underneath surallen, haha, and the other picture is good too, represent!
it was Clare you met, she and I have done plenty practises together over the last few years, cool she came over.
Class is all good, we have done 4 weeks and will be moving through the primary series looking at as many postures as possible in the upcoming weeks.
I always enjoy the morning coffee at 845, after having done a session,
theres something cool about the fact that even before you have faced a work or other situation, you have challenged yourself by choice with a posture or three first thing.
gotta go its headstand time. -
• #225
I would like to say that the stand at the show was definitely worth it as far as I am concerned. For both the Yoga For Cyclists course and the LFGSS forum! I discovered both there.
The free yoga sessions were great. Rather than just saying 'this exists, come to far flung east London to try it' you actually got to have a go, find out what it's like and what it involves and also to experience Rebecca's teaching style (which I found to be very good and pitched perfectly for beginners). The only problem was the ambient noise level of the hall was somewhat higher than one might expect from a yoga class. It did make it hard to hear what was being said at times!
PS: It's me again, Rebecca (John H). I hadn't found this thread when I emailed you last night otherwise I wouldn't have asked stuff that's already in here! Anyway, I am now booked on the course starting Nov 11th. So I'll see you then...
PPS: Is that B&W photo of *m.f's from one of your classes? That looks like my kind of yoga ;-)
Greetings all,
Good news for those interested in doing the next yoga for cyclists course (starting Thur 2nd Sep for 5 weeks) - you can get £10 off the course price if you book by the 2nd of Sep!
So you pay £34 (or £21 if you're a concesssion!) for 5 classes. Worth doing even if you reckon you'll miss one class as it still works out cheaper than paying drop in prices.