• #2
the will
to live...
• #3
see a doctor, prozac might help.
• #4
is this a joke?
• #5
I swapped sugar for ephedrine. Livens up a cappucino no end.
• #6
no joke no, I really am giving up sugar. Amazing eh.
• #7
bit too jittery for me is the old eph, gimme some adderall any day over that.
• #8
So no more juice, pop, alcohol, fruit etc.?
Good luck with it!
• #9
no, giving up sugar in tea and coffee, cheers anyway pedant ;) don't bother with fizzy's, carton juice at all or alcohol much either as it goes.
• #10
• #11
no correlation but I'll do my best, just for you
• #12
sugar is known for it's detrimental health effects and has highly addictive qualities, some studies have ranked it as addictive as cocaine.
• #13
more so I'd like to bet these days, coke being the 3% shite that it is.
• #14
• #15
OP read fail, giving up s.u.g.a.r *in *tea/coff not drinking it. Look forward to more post fails from yourself Wicksie ;)
• #16
im with you on this OP. I have been cutting out sugar for a while now (not just in tea and coffee) gave up fizzy drinks and most alcohol a while ago but sometimes I do slip. chocolate is normally my downfall. stick with it though. I feel much healthier since giving it all up.
• #17
• #18
What a delightful young man you are.
Putting this prick on ignore.
Bloody 'ell this place is getting more angry every day....
• #19
DFP is your man. He has written quite extensively on this very subject. No, really, he has.
• #20
Ha! sense of humour bypass for wicksie, another 'can give it but can't take it' type tosser obv
• #21
i am trying to cut back too - now use agarve nectar (wanky name) in my tea. supposed to be better for you. who knows?
good luck, it's really tough. nothing nicer than hot, sweet tea!
• #22
i am lost as to why sugar is bad.
• #23
i am lost as to why sugar is bad.
hippies say so
http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/refined-sugar-the-sweetest-poison-of-all.html -
• #24
Refined sugar is lethal
• #25
Agarve nectar is fructose. It's also expensive!
I gave up sugar in my tea ages ago. Just stop putting it in and HTFU. You'll get used to it really quickly.
Giving up tea, that's hard.
I'm trying to give up sugar in tea and coffee and was just wondering what other peoples' experience of doing the same was - like how long did it take for your tastebuds to get used to having less/no sugar in your tea/coffee?
I never used to take sugar, for years then started for some reason and got up to 2 tsps in coffee and 1.5 in tea. I'm now down to a half in tea and one in coffee but the temptation to put just that bit more in so it doesn't taste what my tastebuds perceive as rank is big atm.
Anyone else given up the white (or brown) death recently?