I can't get worked up about arbitrage. I sell some stuff cheap because I don't want to put the time and effort into attempting to realise its maximum value. If the person who buys it from me wants to front up the money to get it out of my way, and risk not making his money plus recompense for the extra time and effort if his idea of the true value turns out to be erroneous, that's his business. Jonnylau was a special case, since he was making deliberately false representations about why he needed to be given free stuff, but most sales on here go through without any a priori discussion of the buyers motives.
I can't get worked up about arbitrage. I sell some stuff cheap because I don't want to put the time and effort into attempting to realise its maximum value. If the person who buys it from me wants to front up the money to get it out of my way, and risk not making his money plus recompense for the extra time and effort if his idea of the true value turns out to be erroneous, that's his business. Jonnylau was a special case, since he was making deliberately false representations about why he needed to be given free stuff, but most sales on here go through without any a priori discussion of the buyers motives.