Well, from the Vox pop survey I did when thinking of getting one, the overriding feedback was it was a Delicious and Wonderous Thing, but as a telephone, it was bobbins. I borrowed one, albeit only for a day, but it was terrible in that respect - far worse than my then Nokia bog standard business 'phone in terms of actually getting a signal and talking to someone. And nothing I've seen since convinces me that they've got a lot better, not that I've tried a new one.
Well, from the Vox pop survey I did when thinking of getting one, the overriding feedback was it was a Delicious and Wonderous Thing, but as a telephone, it was bobbins. I borrowed one, albeit only for a day, but it was terrible in that respect - far worse than my then Nokia bog standard business 'phone in terms of actually getting a signal and talking to someone. And nothing I've seen since convinces me that they've got a lot better, not that I've tried a new one.