how does the whole nhs/private thing work? i haven't been to a dentist in probably 10 years (powerful need to avoid having undergone years of childhood orthrodondics). but on saturday night i managed to chip one of my front teeth. it's sharp and keeps catching my lip so i need something done soonish. not keen to pay if i can help it but i don't inderstand how the system works. was going to just rock up here and see what they say.
how does the whole nhs/private thing work? i haven't been to a dentist in probably 10 years (powerful need to avoid having undergone years of childhood orthrodondics). but on saturday night i managed to chip one of my front teeth. it's sharp and keeps catching my lip so i need something done soonish. not keen to pay if i can help it but i don't inderstand how the system works. was going to just rock up here and see what they say.
it's only a little chip so presumably all i need is a bit of a file. so how does it work? can i just request "the free option please"?