• Race and culture has nothing to do with it, their are people who are cunts, abuse children and should never be allowed to be parents in every culture, as much as there are little toe rags who tell grandmas to fuck off on buses in any country you care to look.

    Its completely the wrong direction to take this topic, because it inevitably makes it about race - For example i could say most of the kids i have seen on London buses being cunts are clearly of West Indian descent - now i would surmise thats because they come from the poorest backgrounds, not their racial heritage, however its a statement loaded with racial overtones, and will lead the conversation down a dark alley.

    If you hit a child, the message is that its ok to resort to violence in order to resolve a situation.

    I was smacked a bit as a kid, but had a great childhood, and had the full gambit of corpral punishment thrown at me in Boarding school.

    However i do remember using the fact that my dad smacked me, as reason enough to smack a classmate who was annoying me, when i was about 8 - despite being told by my parents that violence was never right, the smacks i had had lodged at the back of my mind an acceptability to view physical violence as an acceptable repost, when it clearly wasnt.
