That's fucked. I don't quite buy the 'I was caned and it never did me any harm' line. You can do nothing but hate and resent somebody that inflicts pain on you, particularly those who you feel have no right to do so, if anybody even does at all. It'll make you angry, revengeful, bitter...all that fluffy stuff.
I was caned once, I was never dumb enough to get caught again.
We had a teacher, Jack Vawkins, horrible man. He would draw two circles on the floor (one for each foot) infront of the board and three on the board (two hands and nose). He would then write on the board and move it up and down, you had to keep yourself within the circles. He would throw chalk dusters, text books and anything else he could to get you to move. If you did, cane. This was all done infront of others classes and lasted for an hour.
I was caned once, I was never dumb enough to get caught again.
We had a teacher, Jack Vawkins, horrible man. He would draw two circles on the floor (one for each foot) infront of the board and three on the board (two hands and nose). He would then write on the board and move it up and down, you had to keep yourself within the circles. He would throw chalk dusters, text books and anything else he could to get you to move. If you did, cane. This was all done infront of others classes and lasted for an hour.
Twat of a man.