• #2
Being grounded - simple but effective. There's nothing worse when you're young. You convince yourself that you're missing the best times ever, when in reality you'd be listening to the same jokes again.
• #3
Baah. Yet another situation where I miss out for not being Catholic...
• #4
Just out of interest, why do you ask?
• #5
Dunno - I saw a topic on an american forum and most were the belt or being grounded and I was curious if anybody over here had more interesting experiences.
• #6
Being beaten on the legs with a wire coat hanger by my mother. She is dead now and I hope she is rotting in hell.
• #7
Don't blame you, Will. Anyone who can beat a kid like that needs some Old Testament style torment.
Hope you've not been left with too much mind luggage.
• #8
None at all Lucifer. Now, I must go and have my nightly vinegar bath before I take my emetics.
• #9
Possibly this thread will develop in to a discussion of corporal punishment. It'll be about half an hour in before the most violent, angry, intolerant people on the forum show up top say "I was beaten when I was a kid and it never did me no harm".
• #10
My mother used to say that if I looked in the mirror for too long then I'd see the devil looking back at me.
Funny how things turn out...
• #11
Beating kids is never the answer.
I've got two, and only smacked my little boy once.
He'd really stressed me out, pushed me right to the brink.
I snapped, turned him around and smacked his arse.
It felt great.
And that's the problem.
It's not to punish the kid, but a vent for adults anger.
I realise that, and I've never done it again.
• #12
The first was a beating with a wooden spoon
my foster aunt used to re-stock a dozen a month from the hardware store at the bridge..mind you we used to take great delight in nicking her JPS
• #13
Beating kids is never the answer.
I've got two, and only smacked my little boy once.
Loudon knows your pain
YouTube - Loudon Wainwright - Hitting You
• #14
^^Yep. My Mum slapped me precisely once. I can't remember it. It's not the way. The determined, frosty disappointment and being ignored by a parent is punishment enough, I feel.
• #15
It'll be about half an hour in before the most violent, angry, intolerant people on the forum show up top say "I was beaten when I was a kid and it never did me no harm".
it did do me some harm, but then having a father who abandoned us and a mother who had serial breakdowns, i think on balance, cause a little more emotional scarring.
i've got three kids and have never resorted to corporal punishment.
• #16
Are we going to be the new four Yorkshire men deciding who had the worst childhood? :)
"Beating? You were lucky........."
• #17
We knew when to stop playing up when my Mum went to the kitchen drawer, found the wooden spoon then placed it on the side. I don't think she ever needed to use it, just the threat was enough to bring us into line.
• #18
I snapped, turned him around and smacked his arse.
It felt great.
Taking things out of context is hilarious.
Weird thread, but i think my family we're pretty creative with the whole punishment thing.
Grandma used to drop a huge hardback copy of the bible (as it was the heaviest book in the house)on my foot adding height with the severity of whatever the shit i did. The actual dropping of the book wasn't too bad, just every now n then the corner would catch a sensitive place.
Gotta love the catholics -
• #19
Look like we have a Radio 4 documentary on our hands "The secret life of the wooden spoon"
• #20
We knew when to stop playing up when my Mum went to the kitchen drawer, found the wooden spoon then placed it on the side. I don't think she ever needed to use it, just the threat was enough to bring us into line.
Maybe it wasn't a spoon she was going for...
• #21
my mum "brayed" the "fuck" out of my brother with a wooden spoon.
i got clouted once by my dad, a couple of times by my mum. once gave me a black eye. i went to school the next day and when asked i told the truth "my mum hit me".
luckily it was the early 80s.
still, corporal punishment. it's the only thing kids understand and it never did me any harm.
• #22
Exiled to Liverpool.
A truly cruel and unusual punishment...
As if. Who could be so nasty?
• #23
Are we going to be the new four Yorkshire men deciding who had the worst childhood? :)
"Beating? You were lucky........."
i think i had a great childhood, freedom to roam with very few concerns
• #24
we were generally sent to our rooms and weren't allowed back until we were ready to apologise. worked brilliantly for my sister who hates being alone - she always apologised within minutes. i, however, am fairly solitary and loved being on my own. 3 hrs later my parents would suddenly remember me and find me generally reading or drawing in my room. either that or i had sneaked out and was roaming the fields or down by the river....
dad hit me once. i don't remember what i did, but i do remember the shock of being hit.
• #25
My dad used to make me go to work with him on Saturdays. Thats not too bad you might say but you try going 4mph down the highstreet in your dads milkfloat whilst your friends point and laugh. Bastard.
I suppose these days punishment just isn't the same. My parents were not very creative about punishments they had only two that I remember.
The first was a beating with a wooden spoon(Why the hell a spoon I just don't know)
When we got old enough to laugh at my mums lack of beating strength they resorted to fines.
Neither was a good deterrent, I just got good at hiding my crimes.