ed there is an umbrella shop on tottenham court road, this one http://www.james-smith.co.uk/
got my umbrella from them, wasn't very expensive, maybe 25 squid, but well made and not going to break anytime soon. black curved wooden handle. Salesman was cool as well, not needing to sell me their most expensive model.
edit. sorry bigtwin, didn't see your post upthread, heed the man ed, he doth speak the truth..
ed there is an umbrella shop on tottenham court road, this one
got my umbrella from them, wasn't very expensive, maybe 25 squid, but well made and not going to break anytime soon. black curved wooden handle. Salesman was cool as well, not needing to sell me their most expensive model.
edit. sorry bigtwin, didn't see your post upthread, heed the man ed, he doth speak the truth..