Bike radar bit - I was riding along past parked cars the other day taking primary position, van revving behind me, get to a bit with no parked cars so I duly swing over to the left, van pulls up beside me and a ten year old sitting next to his dad winds down the window and shouts 'get out of the fucking way you cunt'. Charming, I thought, like you've done cycle training anyway. And off they sped.
Bike radar bit - I was riding along past parked cars the other day taking primary position, van revving behind me, get to a bit with no parked cars so I duly swing over to the left, van pulls up beside me and a ten year old sitting next to his dad winds down the window and shouts 'get out of the fucking way you cunt'. Charming, I thought, like you've done cycle training anyway. And off they sped.