Yeah I'm quite happy with cs3 but content aware fill looks good and I'm also keeping in mind that once I finish my degree in less than a year I'l be using the education version illegaly.
If I wait till the end of my course though cs6 might be out or I could get a cut price cs5.
I know the college where I'm doing my degree has updated it's digital darkroom hardware over the summer but I'v not been in for any classes yet so not sure if they have updated software too.
If they've gone to cs5 I can have a play and see if it's worth the cash.
Yeah I'm quite happy with cs3 but content aware fill looks good and I'm also keeping in mind that once I finish my degree in less than a year I'l be using the education version illegaly.
If I wait till the end of my course though cs6 might be out or I could get a cut price cs5.
I know the college where I'm doing my degree has updated it's digital darkroom hardware over the summer but I'v not been in for any classes yet so not sure if they have updated software too.
If they've gone to cs5 I can have a play and see if it's worth the cash.